When can I expect to receive my package?

You will often find that we send your parcel on the same day you order. International delivery time can vary from 3-10 days. You will receive a tracking number for your parcel, so you can follow its way to you.

How do I return a package?

To return your goods, you must always contact us first. Remember to state your order number so that we can help you quickly. You can contact our customer service via email at JL@sandstone.pro. Read more about our return policy here.

Where can I buy Sandstone products?

Sandstone Scandinavia is available at www.sandstonescandinavia.com or you can buy our products in stores at our many retail partners. See list here.

What does it mean that Sandstone products are vegan?

All products from Sandstone are 100% vegan. Furthermore, none of our products have been tested on animals in accordance with EU legislation.
If you want to read more about our vegan products, read more here .

Do Sandstone products contain PFAS?

None of Sandstone's products contain PFAS. Read more about PFAS here .

What ingredients do Sandstone products contain?

All Sandstone products are developed with caring and gentle ingredients. Under each product you can find the ingredients list, where you can see what the product contains.

Can't find the answer you're looking for?

Go to our email form and contact us directly.